Monday, May 30, 2011

HBO Gets Even More Social with HBO Connect

HBO Connect
HBO doesn't take its status as premium cable lightly. To them, being premium isn't just about taking your money, but about offering something valuable to subscribers, over and above programming - offering a premium (if I may be so obvious). Let me start off by saying that I've never hidden my affinity for HBO - I love the brand, I love the content they put out, and I'm proud to call myself a loyal subscriber. As an entertainment brand, HBO understands that being a fan isn't about tuning in once a week, for an hour, to watch your favourite characters. They know that today, if you're a fan, you want it all. You want True Blood 24/7. You want to know what Jessica's been up to, and know everything and anything Alexander Skarsgård is doing. HBO has been doing whatever it takes to keep up with its viewers' foray into the online world, and so I'm not too surprised about their newest venture into social media - HBO Connect.

TrueBlood Connect
The name alone says it all, HBO 'Connect'. It works to bring together and compile whatever's being said online, about HBO's various TV brands, and will also feature live commentaries and Q&A sessions from our favourite characters. Meaning, you'll get to watch True Blood while following a a plethora of fans talking about the episode in real time, which may even include stars of the show. People are already talking, so here's where fans would go to see what's being said. As a platform for passionate fans to interact more with the television brands they love, HBO is well on its way to turning single show subscribers into HBO brand ambassadors. Or maybe it's just me.

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