Monday, March 15, 2010

True Blood Season 3 premiering June 13th

Sharpen your fangs and get ready for the highly anticipated return of HBO's True Blood, with season 3 premiering June 13th! So very excited, with the 3rd season promising a whole new set of characters and story lines and of course, more intrigue, new supernaturals, (including, Yes- you Jacob lovers, a werewolf!), and of course, more blood. And, as someone who's read most of the book series, I can tell you, the best is yet to come.

Here's hoping to more from the Sookie/Bill/Eric love triangle. With Eric's intoxicating blood in Sookie, and with him showing a softer, more passionate side in his love for his Maker, this season is sure to test Sookie's devotion to Bill and create some sexy drama for us to see play out.

Also interested in watching the Hoyt/Jessica storyline progress, seeing if they can get through her attack on Hoyt's Mom, and Jessica's growing Vampire urges to feed!

For all you fans out there, there are at least 9 books in the series so far, so if they can keep up the hype and quality of the show, we can look forward to much more True Blood.

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